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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

Banish An Evil Spirit


The following incantation is a general defense against demons and evil spirits. Not all demons will be defeated with this, but even when the spell is not sufficient to actually overcome the spirit, it can still hurt them enough to keep them at bay.


You will need:

  • Sea Salt

  • 5 White candles


  1. Center and ground yourself, then cast your circle with all the spell ingredients in front of you.

  2. Create a circle around you with the sea salt for added protection and power and place each candle where a point of the pentagram would be on the edges of the salt circle. 

  3. Perform any other protection ritual you feel is necessary.

  4. Recite the following firmly: If spirits threaten me in this place, Fight Water by Water and Fire by Fire, Banish their souls into nothingness, and remove their powers until the last trace. Let these evil beings flee, Through time and space.

  5. Repeat as necessary until you feel the evil presence has removed itself.

Banish A Ghost


This banishing spell will expel a ghost from the world of the living and into the afterlife. If you are seeking to free a benevolent ghost who actually wants to leave the physical world, then it would be a better idea to perform a spell to help a spirit cross over. However, if we are talking about a malicious spirit that does not want to leave, you can use the following incantation:


Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust,

May the wind blow you, wandering ghost

And clear the world of the living,

Turn you to where you belong,

And may you disappear without a trace.


Without using a spell like this, getting rid of a ghost can be really difficult. Non-witches who want to banish the spirit of a deceased person once and for all may need to use the traditional method, which is the most reliable of all: finding the remains of the dead body, sprinkling them with salt and burning them.


Banish Negative Energy


This incantation will spiritually cleanse a place, and banish unwanted energies.  It is very useful for purifying a place of ritual before creating a circle, and also to remove remaining energy from unpleasant visitors after a ritual.  You can even use this as a hasty defense to ward off malevolent spirits.



  1. Just say the following incantation aloud or in your head, while drawing a pentagram in the air – imagine the pentagram to be made of bright white light. At the end of the incantation, let the white light escape in order to enlighten and purify every corner of the area to be cleaned.

    In these names that are above all others, the name of the great lady and powerful Lord, I hunt by seed, flower and fruit of evil, I cast a spell on them with power and purity, Whether constrained by chains Or returned to darkness, They may never disturb the servants of the gods.

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