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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

Daily Shower Spell


In order to function well, it is important to take care not only of your physical self but also of your mental well-being. The spells below will set you in a good stead for the day and leave you with an inner peace, a sense of clarity, and the stamina to embrace the moment.


You will need:

  • Water

  • Soap or shower gel

  • Shampoo and conditioner


  1. Start the shower with the water as hot as you can stand it, and step inside.

  2. Once inside the shower, let the water run over you from head to toe. As you bathe, watch the water going down the drain and picture it in your mind as a gray color (or any color you may perceive it. Mine has always looked like oil to me). Next, visualize the water removing all of your anxieties and any issues you had from the day before.

  3. Begin to wash your hair with shampoo. In your mind's eye, see the stress and anxiety leaving your body and entering into the shampoo bubbles.

  4. Repeat the visualization process with the conditioner. Take the soap or shower gel and, starting with your face, wash your whole body several times, cleansing from head to toe. As you lather, say these words over and over: Water, water, wash away. Water, water, cleanse today.

  5. Once you are clean, rinse of all the suds. The lather will absorb your troubles and wash them down the drain. Cool the shower temperature slightly, and bathe for a few more minutes in the refreshing water. 

  6. When you feel comfortably cleansed and refreshed, step out and dry off with a towel from top to bottom while repeating these words: By the earth in the soap, by the air in the steam, by the fire which heats the water, by the water that washes, I am cleansed, clean, and ready for the day.

Chicken Soup Spell​


Chicken soup has already become a staple for illness. It's comforting and nourishing broth captures the nutrients of the vegetables and proteins you stew in it which leads you to recovery. This spell is meant to help that process along even further.


You will need:

  • 2 cups (300 g) chicken soup (homemade is best with lots of vegetables and herbs such as carrots and onions, use a couple bay leaves and parsley. I also like to add some cayenne pepper to mine for a little bit of a kick and also for some powerful healing qualities. Be careful not to add too much cayenne. It can get hot quick.)

  • A small pot

  • A small saute pan

  • 1/2 clove garlic, minced

  • 1 TBSP butter or olive oil


  1. Prepare the soup in the pot and heat to a low boil

  2. Lightly saute the minced garlic in the butter or olive oil in a small pan.

  3. Add minced garlic to soup.

  4. While it's cooking, stir the soup and chant: Cold, flu, and ills be gone. Healthy body from now on.

Healing Poppet Spell


A poppet can be easily described as a small doll with a likeness to a specific person. This method of spell crafting has been popularized by the voodoo doll but used in very different ways. 

You will need:

  • 2 Pieces of paper

  • Scissors

  • 1 pen

  • 1 blue candle

  • 2 TBSP finely chopped peppermint leaves, either fresh or as dried tea (in a tea bag or loose)

  • 2 TBSP finely chopped fresh or dried rosemary

  • 2 TBSP finely chopped fresh or dried nettle leaf

  • Fire safe dish for burning the poppet


  1. Take the papers and roughly cut out two identical human shapes.

  2. On one, write the name of the person you wish to heal. On the other, write what it is they need healed.

  3. Layer the two pieces of paper, one on top of the other, with the writing on the outside. 

  4. Light the candle and use the melted wax to start sealing the edges of the two pieces of paper together, creating a poppet (doll).

  5. Seal the poppet all the way around except for the head. Leave the head open and enough room in the body for herbs.

  6. Sprinkle the herbs inside the poppet, filling it until you feel satisfied. State: Poppet, I name you (insert name of person who needs healing).

  7. Seal the poppet's head, and hold the poppet over the candle. 

  8. Visualize the person's illness or ailment leaving their body. Concentrate, and feel a blue light filling that person. When you can no longer hold on to the visualization, place the poppet in the fire-safe dish and light the poppet on fire. As the poppet burns, chant: Fire burns the ill away, health and wellness here today.

  9. When the fire is out, take the ashes outside and blow them into the four winds. Bury the candle leftovers at a crossroads or under a pine tree in your yard.

Magical Items For These Spells

A General Spell For Better Health


This spell can be used and adapted for any health problem you might have or to simply keep you in great shape all year round.


You will need:

  • A yellow candle

  • A needle or athame

  • basil oil

  • vegetable oil

  • Sea salt


  1. Prepare the yellow candle. Inscribe it with your name and the words "good health" with your needle or athame.

  2. Blend on TBSP of vegetable oil and nine drops of basil oil to promote vigor.

  3. Anoint the candle with this oil and place in a safe holder.

  4. Sprinkle some protective salt in a circle around the base of the holder and light the candle. Say this spell three times:
    Surround my being in positive rays,
    Encompass me and bless my being,
    Shower healing light so that I might
    Stay fit and well in the coming days.

  5. Let the candle burn down, and repeat the spell once a month to insure overall good health.



To Remove Fear and Phobias


For if you have an inner fear you want to conquer.


You will need:

  • An orange candle

  • A needle or athame

  • Vegetable oil

  • A picture that represents your fear

  • Rose quartz


  1. Prepare the orange candle and inscribe your name and the words "remove my fear" with your needle or athame. 

  2. Anoint the candle with plain vegetable oil.

  3. Place the picture that represents your phobia next to it and light it.

  4. Rose quartz prevents worry, so hold a piece in your hand and say this spell seven times:
    With this crystal, remove my fear,
    With this candle, settle here,
    See this photo and make it be
    An agreeable thing for me to see.

  5. Place the crystal next to the candle and leave it until the candle burns out.

  6. Once it has, tear up the photo, put it in the trash bin, and place the crystal under your pillow for seven nights.



To Cure Insomnia


If you are the kind of person who watches the clock go around and around at night without drifting off, this spell will help bring about peaceful sleep.

You will need:

  • A purple candle

  • A needle or athame

  • Lavender oil

  • Dried lavender​


  1. In the early evening , prepare the purple candle, and inscribe your full name and the words, "to cure insomnia" into the wax with your needle or athame.

  2. Anoint the candle with pure lavender oil. This will induce sleep.

  3. Place it on a table in your bedroom and add a bowl of freshly dried lavender to the table. Sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil on the herbs.

  4. Say this spell three times:
    Sleepy slumber, peaceful rest,
    I am protected, I am blessed.
    Beside my head tonight I keep,
    These magickal herbs to aid my sleep.

  5. Settle down into bed with a good book.

  6. Once the candle has burned down, you can go to sleep.

  7. Leave the lavender in place somewhere in your bedroom so the magick can continue to work over the coming months. This spell might need refreshing every few months if its effects begin to wear off.

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