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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

Wiccan Cleansing Ritual


Every day our energy fields are being interfered with by people, events, and even our own thoughts. Negative energy can attach to us and block our flow, which can bring us down, cause irritation and drain our vitality. It’s important to keep ourselves in check to make sure we are not being too affected by this. Eating well, exercising, spending time in nature and meditating are all good ways to restore our energy flow and stay balanced, but sometimes we need a little extra help. This cleansing ritual can be performed at any time when you’re feeling low, tired or otherwise affected by negativity.


(If you find yourself in a hurry, you can go directly to Steps 2 and 3.)


You will need:

  • Air: Sage incense

  • Fire: A silver/grey candle

  • Earth: Sea salt

  • Water: Chalice filled with water

  1. Draw your circle, then light the incense and the candle.

  2. Meditate for a few minutes while the sage fills the room. Each time you breathe out, relax a little more. The more relaxed you are, the better your energies flow, and the easier it is to release any unwanted negativity. When you feel calm and ready you may begin.

  3. Element cleanse. Hold your hands over the incense and say, with air I cleanse myself. Let the smoke twirl around your fingers for a few moments. Feel the cleansing properties of sage immerse you.

  4. Then hold your hands above the candle (at a safe distance) and say, with fire I cleanse myself. Visualize the flame burning away anything unwanted within you.

  5. Now take the sea salt and crumble it between your fingers, gently rubbing it on your hands, and say, with earth I cleanse myself. 

  6. Then dip your hands in the water, again gently rubbing your hands, and say with water I cleanse myself. 

  7. Sit in silence for a moment while you let the elements do their work.

  8. Releasing negativity. The most effective way of releasing negative entities and energies (unless they are unusually powerful) is to firmly ask them to leave. Go inside yourself, become completely aware of your body, and say the following: Any energy that no longer serves me, please leave now. Thank you for your presence. Now I am sending you home. Say it with conviction, like a firm but loving parent. Keep repeating it, and pay attention to any feelings in your body. As you say these words, negativity will shed from you like the skin off a snake. If you’re sensitive you may be able to feel a pulling sensation or a feeling of suddenly becoming lighter.

  9. Repeat until you feel intuitively done (this can be 10 times or 50 times, anything that feels right for you.)

  10. Filling with light. This step is vital: after releasing the negative energies you will have holes in your aura which must be filled with light. Otherwise other negative energy will easily latch on to you and you’ll have to start the process again.

  11. Visualize your crown (the top of your head) opening up, like a funnel going from the heavens into your body. Visualize pulling down divine light that will fill every gap in your aura as you repeat the words: I ask that my energy body is filled with pure healing light. Repeat a few times, then thank the spirits and elements, and close your circle.

  12. During the rest of the day/evening, whenever it comes to mind, visualize your open crown and the light flowing into you.

Motivation Incantation


Have you lost all motivation? Try the following incantation to increase motivation.


You will need:

  • Yourself


May these words bring me encouragement

And revive my interest in this moment,


I invoke the Higher Power


Among the obstacles these hours


To awaken the motivation in my heart.  


As visions of good return,


And the spark of positivity is lit,


And the strength rises within me,  


It is my wish, please guide my steps during this moment,


May this incantation push me forward.


So mote it be.

Removing Anger


This is a quick and simple mantra which can be recited without setting up a proper ritual. It can be used for yourself or for other people.


You will need:

  • A stone


  1. You are advised to add a very simple gesture to this spell – take a stone, and envision the anger you want to remove flowing into this stone. Feel the energy of the anger pulsate through you and into the stone. 

  2. When you feel that you have transferred the anger into the stone, throw it away – preferably into a body of water where it can be cleansed, such as a stream, a river or lake. Then say the following incantation to remove your anger: Great Guardians of the West Who watch over the sea and the ocean, Let this anger disperse through space and time, Make it disappear forever So mote it be.

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