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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

A Spell To Find A Job


This is a spell which will help you attract a new job.  It is best to perform this job spell on the night of a full moon, or even during a waxing moon.


You will need:

  • A brown candle

  • A green candle

  • A candle to represent yourself (pick your favorite color)

  • Prosperity oil (e.g. cinnamon, bergamot, or clove)


  1. To begin, anoint all the candles with the oil.  You will need a dedicated space for these candles, such as an altar, where they can burn out completely over the next few weeks. Make sure the space is safe for the candles to burn out without anything catching fire.

  2. Place the brown candle in the center of your space, the green candle on the right, and the candle representing you on the left.

  3. First, light the candle that represents you. Think about your specific talents, and how you can use these in a job. Think of the kind of jobs you enjoy doing, and see yourself waking up every morning, excited to go to work.  

  4. Say: I ask for change, that is my right, Open the way, clear my sight.

  5. Now light the green candle which represents prosperity. Imagine abundance flowing to you in whichever way that feels good, and say: Luck, abundance, prosperity, Let the flow of money come to me.

  6. Finally, light the  brown candle which represents the job that is coming to you.  As you light it, know that the perfect job is out there, and that you will soon find it. Say: Opportunity, work, rewards I see, And as I will So Mote it Be.

  7. Let the candles burn for some time (anywhere between five and fifteen minutes is good), while you meditate and visualize your perfect job as if you already had it.

  8. Repeat this job spell each night until the candles burn all the way down, or until you find your new job.

A Spell To Become Debt-Free


This is a spell which will help you get clear of debt. It is best performed during a new or waning moon, as it is a type of banishing spell.


You will need:

  • Pen and paper

  • A medium-sized white pillar candle

  • Any of the following essential oils: patchouli, frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, ylang ylang, bergamot

  • A needle


  1. First of all, you need to write a list of exactly what you owe, and who you owe it to.

  2. Once you’ve made this list on the paper, you’re going to carve the same list into the candle with the needle. Inscribe the candle with all of your debts, then add a drop of two of essential oil onto it.

  3. Light the candle and still your mind as best you can. Now look into the flame of the candle, and visualize your debts being cleared away. Use whatever visualizations you can – see yourself paying off your last debts, see yourself looking at your accounts and being filled with feelings of freedom and ease. Fill your whole body with this feeling of well-being, of being free from debt, while staring into the flame.

  4. Sit with this visualization for a good 5-10 minutes, and let the candle burn for roughly the same amount of time afterwards (don’t leave it unattended!)

  5. Repeat this process every night until the candle burns down completely, and you’ll soon see yourself cleared of debt.

  6. Remember that magick doesn’t always work in a straightforward way – the way for you to free yourself of debt may not be what you think. Perhaps you’ll come across an article in a newspaper that will teach you how to save money, which will result in you paying off your debt. Perhaps you’ll receive a bonus at work, or receive money from an unexpected source. Remain open-minded, keep faith and let the magick do its work!

Wiccan Money Spell


This is a money visualization spell which should be done regularly until you are happy with the amount of money that has come into your life.

You will need:

  • A Green Candle


  1. Take a green candle, and carve a dollar sign into it (or any other symbol which strongly represents money to you).

  2. Hold it in your hands and ask it to bring you money, charging it with money energy.

  3. Light the candle, and imagine yourself being showered with gold dust. Feel it raining all around you. Maybe even dollar bills, coins, or treasures pile up around you.

  4. Chant the following: Golden rain, the magick is done. Money come to me, harming none. 

  5. It’s important that you really feel the wealth piling up around you; feel yourself becoming light and free and all your worries lifting. Feel joy in your heart. Do this visualization and chanting as long as you want, but recommended at least 5-10 minutes.  

  6. When you feel ready, say: Thank you; so mote it be. Then blow out the candle while thanking it for its work, and keep it to use only for money magick.

  7. Do this spell regularly, at least a few times a week, to keep aligning with the energies of money. Keep your channels open to where the money might come from, and stay open to new opportunities showing up in your life.

Magical Items For These Spells

Money Draw Oil


Stressing over money can cause insomnia, digestive issues, anxiety and fatigue. The following oil is designed to help deal with money stress by drawing in money and protecting financial assets.


You will need:

  • 1/2 TBSP Ground Allspice

  • 1/2 TBSP Ground Cinnamon

  • 5 Drops Basil Oil

  • 5 Drops Lemon Balm Oil

  • 2 Cups (480 ml) Carrier Oil



Protect Money Oil


Like the money draw oil, this oil is meant to draw money and protect financial assets.


You will need:

  • 2 TSP Dried Marigold

  • 5 Drops Nutmeg Oil

  • 2 Cups (480 ml) Carrier Oil



Money & Success Bath


These baths are designed to increase luck, bring success, and open any blocks in your path to financial stability.

Luck & Success:

  • 1 TBSP Ground Allspice

  • 5 Drops Chamomile Oil

  • 4 Ounces (110 g) Epsom Salts




  • 1 TBSP Ground Allspice

  • 1 TBSP Ground Ginger

  • 5 Drops Patchouli Oil

  • 4 Ounces (110 g) Epsom Salts

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