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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

Simple Wiccan Luck Spell


If you find yourself in an unlucky streak, with one mishap following another, cast this simple spell to turn your luck around.


You will need:

  • Black candle

  • Oil: Frankincense, other herbal essence oil, or cooking oil

  1. Place a drop of oil on your fingertip and streak it onto the candle, slowly moving your fingertip up and down it three times. While you do this, chant the following: Black candle, turn my luck around. Bring prosperity and joy abound. Then thank it, and light it.

  2. Place your hand on your heart chakra and chant the following: Flame and fire, candle burn. Work to make my luck return. As you chant, visualize yourself being really fortunate and happy. Imagine everything going your way, and you always being in the flow and ready to meet new challenges. Feel the bad luck being lifted from you, and your energy body buzzing with joy and excitement at new possibilities. Keep visualizing and chanting until you feel intuitively done.

  3. Then thank the candle and blow it out. You can keep the candle, but only use it for luck meditations or spells, since it has now become imbued with this specific energy.

Wiccan Good Luck Spell


When we try to accomplish or attract something new into our lives, it is of course important to put in the focus and the work. However, it can be helpful to give things a nudge in our favor. This is a good luck spell to help things along for you to achieve success. This spell can be cast any time, but will be enhanced during a waxing or full moon.

You will need:

  • Frankincense

  • 3 candles – orange or gold  

  • Pen and paper


  1. Draw your circle and light the incense.

  2. Place the candles in a triangle for luck, but do not light them yet. Say the following words: God and Goddess, Spirits and Guides, Thank you for all that I have. I ask you now for [whatever it is you want]. Aid me as I work to achieve it. Please bring it to me when the time is right. So mote it be. 

  3. Now visualize what your life would be like if you already had this thing you wish for. Really soak yourself in the feeling of good luck, success, joy, achievement. Feel the elation in your chest, and hold on to that feeling. Meditate on it as you go deeper into yourself. There, an image or symbol will appear in your mind. As soon as you see this, whatever it may be, draw it on your piece of paper.

  4. Now take the piece of paper and place it within the triangle of candles. As you light each candle, say: Fire, ignite my dream, for the highest good. 

  5. Sit with the lit candles and visualize good luck coming your way. Trust that the Universe will bring you what is best for you. Immerse yourself in gratitude towards life and all that the God and Goddess have already brought you.

  6. Then take your piece of paper and bury it in the earth, as you say: Earth, seal my dream, for the highest good. 

  7. Note that this Good Luck spell will bring you precisely what is best for you, however, it may come in unexpected forms. Remember to keep an open mind and an open heart and look out for opportunities and signs.

A Simple Wishing Spell With Incense


This is a quick and simple spell which can be performed to attract your heart’s true desire.  It should be done during a waxing or full moon.


You will need:

  • An incense burner, or a stick of incense


  1. Put yourself in a meditative state and light the incense.  

  2. Now, focus on your heart area and feel it coming alive with feelings of joy and love.  At the same time, start imagining your desire coming true.  Put as much detail into this visualization as you can – feel as if it had already happened, and bathe in that feeling of fulfillment, while streaming heart energy towards your desire.

  3. Once you have gotten into a state where you can truly feel your desire as if it is coming true, chant the following incantation ten times: Magic herbs burn in fire, Bring to me my heart’s desire.

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