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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

Full Moon Love Spell


If you want to attract love into your life, perform this spell underneath a full moon.


You will need:

  • A red candle

  • A pink candle

  • Dried basil

  • Ground cinnamon

  • Two apple seeds

  • A moonstone crystal

  • A rose quartz crystal

  • A red piece of cloth

  • Pink cord or yarn


  1. Gather everything you need in your sacred space underneath the full moon, and cast your circle.

  2. Light both your candles, and lay the red cloth in front of you.  

  3. Take the moonstone, and pass it over the flames of both candles, and then lay the crystal on the cloth.  

  4. Do the same for the rose quartz.

  5. Now take the two apple seeds, and say: By the light of the full moon, I now plant the seeds of our love.

  6. As you place the seeds on the cloth, next to the crystals, see a beautiful, soft pink energy emanating from the crystals, nourishing the seeds with loving energy.  

  7. Sprinkle the stones and seeds with the basil and cinnamon.  

  8. Lastly, pull the corners of the red cloth together, with the stones, seeds and herbs inside, and wind the pink cord around the bag three times, before tying it with three knots.  

  9. Say: So mote it be. And close your circle. Keep your charm bag close to you always in order to attract love into your life.

A Wiccan Sex Spell


Use this spell to attract an abundance of sexual experiences into your life.  It should be performed on a waxing or full moon. It is best to perform this spell outside, as you need to pour the wine onto the earth during the spell.  If it’s impossible for you to do this, you can gather some soil in a plant pot or similar container and perform the spell indoors.


You will need:

  • A garnet crystal

  • Rose petals from one red rose

  • Red wine in a chalice

  • A container with soil (if done inside)


  1. Center and ground yourself, then cast your circle with all the spell ingredients in front of you.

  2. Gather the rose petals in your hand, and say: Venus, Goddess of lust and passion, Please bless my circle with your presence.

  3. Feel the Goddess fill your circle with her passionate and sensual energy.  Place the rose petals on the ground before you (or on top of the soil in the container).

  4. Now place the garnet crystal on top of the rose petals.  Gaze gently at the crystal, while bringing to mind one or more sexual fantasies.  Visualize in as much detail as you can, place yourself in the fantasy and use all of your senses to make it as real and vivid as possible.

  5. Now take the chalice with the wine, and ask the Goddess to bring you the sexual experiences you desire.  You can write down your request before performing the ritual, and read it out or memorize it, or you can simply speak to her from your heart.  Do not bring other people into your request – this spell is not meant to influence people to have sex with you.  Ask for the sex that you desire, and those that feel called will choose to participate with you of their own free will.

  6. Now slowly pour the wine onto the garnet, and let it sink into the earth as an offering for the Goddess. Thank the Goddess for blessing your circle, and bid her farewell, then close the circle.

    If you performed the ritual indoors, take the container and pour the wine-soaked soil and the rose petals outside in a place that feels beautiful and peaceful to you (preferably near flowers).  

  7. Keep the garnet and place it under your pillow or near your bed.

To Heal A Relationship


You will need:

  • A white candle

  • A pink candle

  • A fireproof dish or bowl

  • Matches or lighter

  • Pen & paper

  • Two pieces of string


This spell requires about thirty minutes of prep work. You will begin by writing two letters. You can address them to the God and Goddess or the Universe if you’d like. In the first letter, describe the problems in your relationship and your feelings about it. No one will ever read this letter but you, so be honest! Get angry or get sad, rant and rave as much as you like, as long as you express those feelings honestly and authentically. Now, once you’ve expressed all of your feelings around your relationship, write what you would like to happen in your relationship. How do you want your significant other to act towards you? Would you like them to listen more, to pay more attention to you? What kind of relationship would make you happy? Try to make this letter at least as long, or even longer than your last letter. Go into details where you can. Once you have done this, you may want to take some time to meditate, or to ground and center yourself before commencing the spell.


  1. Gather all your spell ingredients (including the letters you wrote), and cast your circle.  

  2. Now light your white candle – representing peace and spirituality – and your pink candle – representing love and affection.

  3. Take the first letter and place it in the fireproof dish.  Light it on fire, and while it burns, feel the negative energies in your marriage or relationship burn away with it.  

  4. Recite the following words: Sacred flames, carry these energies away, Let our relationship begin anew today.

  5. Take the second letter and the two pieces of string.  Quickly read through the letter again, and take a few minutes to visualize you and your loved one being happy and harmonious together.

  6. Now take the two pieces of string and tie them together at one end to make one long piece of string.  Make sure the knot is strong – it represents your bond with your loved one.

  7. Fold the paper a few times, and wrap the string around it.  As you do so, say: God and Goddess above, Help me reunite with my love. Bring us loving harmony and peace, May the strength of our bond increase. So mote it be.

  8. After you have closed the circle, bury the bound letters near a tree (try to find and apple or birch tree as these represent love, but any tree will do).


Magical Items For These Spells

Get Your Ex Back


Here is a white magick spell that can bring your ex back to you. It can erase negative vibrations/emotions between the two of you, so that your relationship can be as new again. Note that since it is a white magick spell, your ex will only come back to you if you are really meant to be together – you cannot force them against their free will. However, sometimes in relationships with people we love, negativity is what breaks us apart. So by removing these low vibes, you remove all obstacles to your renewed relationship – whether as lovers or as friends.


You will need:

  • Coarse sea salt

  • A photo of ex w/ their birth date written on it

  • 5 Red candles

  • 1 White candle w/ ex's name etched in

  • 5 Strands of ex's hair (if possible)


  1. Draw a circle around yourself with the salt.

  2. Place the five candles around you, placing them on each point on the circle as if putting them on the points of a pentagram.

  3. Put the photo of your ex in the middle of the circle, and place the white candle next to it.

  4. Focus hard on the picture of your ex, and imagine a white light pouring down through the top of your head, through your body, exiting your body through your heart and entering the photo of your ex. See this light cleansing and healing the bond between you.

  5. Repeat the following incantation three times:
    I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, Make pure the bond between (name of your ex) and me, For the highest good, So mote it be.

  6. When you are ready, extinguish all the candles one by one, starting with the white candle. This spell will be most effective if repeated every night of the week after a new moon. 

True Love for Singles


This is a white magick true love spell for any single person who wants to meet the love of their life and overcome loneliness. This spell should preferably be carried out in the week after the new moon.

You will need:

  • Red rose petals

  • 1 White candle

  • 3 Yellow candles

  • A glass of mint tea


  1. Cast your circle.

  2. Arrange the three yellow candles so that they form a triangle in front of you, and place the white candle in the middle.

  3. Spread the rose petals around you.

  4. Recite the following love spell incantation:
    I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, so I can find my soulmate, I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, so I can overcome my loneliness, Such is my will

  5.  Drink the glass of mint tea, then extinguish the candles one by one, starting with the white candle.

  6. Collect the rose petals, let them dry for one week in between two sheets of aluminium foil, and then scatter them in a river or stream.


Dream of Your Soulmate


If you are ready to find out who your soulmate is, perform this spell and he or she will appear to you in a dream.  This spell should be performed right before you go to bed.


You will need:

  • 3 almonds

  • 3 raisins

  • A square of red cloth

  • A red candle

  • Milk (or almond milk)

  • Honey


  1. Now, cast your circle and light the candle.  

  2. Gaze into the flame until you start feeling peaceful and meditative.

  3. Hold the almonds and raisins in your hands, and visualize meeting your soulmate. Focus not on the person, but on the feelings you will feel once you are with them. Will you feel safe and secure? Will you be brimming with excitement? Will you be joyful and full of laughter? Perhaps all of the above. Hold this feeling in your heart, and chant:
    Spirits of union, angels of love, Bring me a vision this night Allow me to see, within my dream My soulmate, when the time is right So mote it be

  4.  Now place the almonds and raisins in the red cloth and fold the cloth over them.

  5. Blow out the candle and close the circle.

  6. Drink the milk with a teaspoon of honey (the milk can be warmed if you wish).  

  7. Right before you sleep, place the red cloth with the almonds and raisins under your pillow, with the intention of dreaming of your soulmate. He or she will appear to your in your dreams.

    Note: If you find it difficult to remember your dreams, you might want to practice dream recall for a week or more before performing this spell. In order to do this, keep a journal beside your bed. As soon as you wake up, lie still and try to recall all your dreams. Write them down as soon as you remember them all. With practice, you will be able to remember more and more.

Magical Items For These Spells

To Reverse Any Love Spell


Sometimes a relationship just doesn't work out.


You will need:

  • White Votive Candle

  • Athame or pin

  • 5 Red candles

  • Myrrh Oil

  • White Silk

  • White Ribbon


  1. On a night when the moon is in a waning phase, write your name and the name of your bewitched lover on the side of  a white votive candle.

  2. Anoint the candle with myrrh oil and light it.

  3. Say the following: I burn this candle as a token of the spell that binds our love. Let this magick now be broken by the powers of the Gods above.

  4. Allow the candle to burn itself out.

  5. After the leftover wax has cooled and hardened, wrap it in a piece of white silk.

  6. Tie it tightly with a white ribbon and toss it into the sea or a river.

Venus Pentacle Spell


To improve your love life.

You will need:

  • Venus Pentacle

  • 2 Pink or Red Candles

  • Musk Oil


  1. Perform this spell on a Friday when the moon is in the sign of Taurus.

  2. Take a Venus pentacle and place it in the middle of your altar between two pink or red candles.

  3. Light the candles and then anoint the Pentacle with a drop of musk oil.

  4. Say: Pentacle of Venus. Goddess of love and desire, I consecrate thee as a tool of love magick, and in the sacred name of the Goddess I charge thee now with love-drawing power. So mote it be.

  5. Carry the consecrated Venus pentacle in your pocket, purse, or charm bag as a powerful love-drawing amulet, or sleep with it under your pillow on Saint Agnes' Eve to see the face of your future lover in a dream.

Newfoundland Love Attraction


According to Newfoundland Witches, you must take a red apple and prick it full of holes with a needle as you recite aloud the name of your beloved. On a night of the new moon, sleep with the apple under your pillow. The following morning, wash and core the apple, mash it, and add it to the filling of a homemade apple pie, which is then given to your intended lovemate to draw him into love. (The mashed apple may also be used in numerous cookie or cake recipes.)

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