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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

Intuition Spell: Receive Clearer Messages From Spirits


Our intuition is the Universe’s way to communicate with us. Once we have cast a spell, the Universe will respond by sending us the people and circumstances we have asked for. So it is important that we listen to our gut feelings, always, but particularly in the days and weeks after casting a spell. If we follow our intuition, the Spirits will lead the way. So how do we know what is intuition and what is merely our imagination? That is what this intuition spell is about. We will create a talisman which we can keep with us to receive clearer guidance.


You will need:

  • 1 small pouch (purple if you have one)

  • 1 clear quartz crystal

  • 1 amethyst

  • 5 purple candles or tea lights

  • 1 small piece of paper and a pen

  • Sandalwood incense


  1. Start by placing the five candles around you in a circle. As you light the candles, invoke the Spirits and ask for protection and connection during the casting of this intuition spell.

  2. Sit in the middle of your circle. Light the incense.

  3. Breathe deeply and relax into a meditation, with your palms open to receive the Universe’s energies. You are going into your Higher Self to receive a symbol that represents your higher wisdom. Set this intention as you visualize your mind climbing from your Third Eye out through your crown and higher up, to a place about 1 metre (3 feet) above your head. This is your 10th chakra, where you Higher Self resides.

  4. Go into this place, feel your mind merging with this chakra. Breathe, relax, let it flow.

  5. When you are ready, say out loud or in your mind: For clearer sight, for clearer mind A symbol of myself I’ll find. Repeat this a few times, then slowly move your mind back down into your Third Eye.

  6. Once there, you will see a symbol. It can be absolutely anything. As soon as you see it, draw it on your piece of paper. This symbol, as I say, represents your higher wisdom and your Higher Self.

  7. Place the piece of paper, together with the quartz and the amethyst, in your pouch, as you say the following words: Universe, Spirits, Angels and Guides Receive my eternal gratitude for all that is I ask for clearer guidance, as I will listen with a sharper ear. May this talisman heighten my intuition To receive your messages more clearly So mote it be. 

  8. Close your circle by blowing out the candles. Thank the Spirits for their presence.

  9. Keep the talisman with you, and keep it under your pillow at night. If ever you are confused about certain messages or a specific situation, meditate with your talisman. The best way to receive clear messages is to silence our minds. Stop trying anything; simply sit with your talisman and open your heart and soul to the never-ending guidance of the Universe, and the answers will come to you.

Invoke A Spirit​


You will need:

  • A black or purple candle

  • A black plate or bowl

  • Thyme


  1. When drawing your circle, place the candle in the middle of the black plate or a bowl that you have filled with the thyme. This candle will serve as a beacon to guide the spirit towards the witch, and the heat of the flame will provide energy to help the ghost manifest.

  2. Here is the incantation to invoke a dead spirit: You who lived yesterday, I’ll call you from my mind to yours, Come back from the shadows into the light and show yourself here. 

  3. Several witches and mediums have a natural facility to sense or even see spirits. For those who have not yet developed this talent, the presence of a ghost has some distinctive signs: the air gets colder, and there may be drafts, noise or spontaneous movement of objects. Some ghosts communicate directly with witches, telepathically transmitting their words and images, others fail to do so and need a way to express themselves physically, such as a Ouija board.

  4. During your time with the spirit, you must not forget that this is a human being who is entitled to the same respect and courtesy as a living being. At the end of the session, you must thank the ghost and say goodbye, and it is also polite to use a formula to deliver them from the physical world and help them return to the afterlife: You who lived yesterday, Thank you, Now fly away from this earth and join the world of spirits.

Conjuring Spirits


A powerful magic spell incantation that is cast to call forth the night spirits and lingering haunts.


  1. Near to the midnight, find a dark and lonesome place for the most solitude. The room should have a window which can be opened, if not fully, at least partially.

  2. Open the window.

  3. One should prepare by sitting cross-legged on the floor, facing the north.

  4. Clear your mind of all thoughts.

  5. At the stroke of midnight, repeat the following invocation:
    Spirits of the night, I beseech thee,
    Find favor with mine call and summons,
    On the seven winds I beg thee travel,
    And greet me in mine presence,
    For a speaking of things that need bespoke,
    From this moment hence,
    Thy powers do I wish invoke,

    For things that need be done.

  6. Once this invocation has been spoken, close your eyes, clear your mind and welcome the spirits as they enter. There is no way that one may know how many may come, but remember that they should be greeted, one and each, as they enter. They may appear as apparitions, or one may only feel their presence.

  7. When they have finished their arrivals, you may communicate with them using only the voice of your mind.

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