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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

A Ritual Bath


The purpose of the bath is to cleanse you of any and all negative energies and prepare your physical, mental and spiritual self for circle. You'll usually perform this rite just before you step into circle: it's medicine for the witch, healing for the healer, and a way to soak fully in the power and presence of your own being.


You will need:

  • Sacred Water (Sacred water is any water natural to mother earth; sea water, spring water or river water. Alternatively, make your own sacred water by adding salt to tap water and blessing it at your altar.)

  • Pink Himalayan Salt or Epsom Salt

  • 3 Sprigs of Rosemary

  • 1 Rose Quartz Crystal

  • Red & Pink Rose Petals

  • Rose Absolute Oil

  • A Candle

  • Wine or another libation of your choice to be drunk at the end of the rite

  1. Infuse your bath water with three small cups of Himalayan bath salt, the rose quartz, the rosemary sprigs, a few drops of your sacred water, the rose petals and five or six drops of the rose absolute oil.

  2. Anoint the candle with the rose absolute oil, then light it.

  3. Lower yourself into the water, and visualize it cleansing you of all negative vibes. Know that these energies are flowing from your physical, mental and spiritual self into the water. Relax and enjoy the warmth of the water, the scents in the air and the feeling of being cleansed of all negativity.

  4. Let yourself drift.

  5. As you bathe, take moment to set an intention and concentrate on the purpose of your ritual. Are you ready to wake the witch within? Visualize your purpose, and know that you are truly prepared.

  6. When you feel ready, pull the plug and stay in the tub until all the water has drained. Allow the bath to wash away any thoughts and patterns that will no longer serve you on your path. As the water drains away, visualize and know that the negative energies now in the water are going into the Earth to be grounded.

  7. Rise up out of the tub and do a self blessing:
    Anoint each area of your body with the sacred water, while saying out loud:
    Blessed be my mind that learns the way of the witch.
    Blessed be my eyes that have seen this day.
    Blessed be my lips that utter your names and keep your secrets/
    Blessed be my breasts formed in strength and beauty.
    Blessed be my womb for being the holy grail, cauldron and keeper of the mysteries.
    Blessed be my knees that shall kneel at my altar.
    Blessed be my feet that help me walk this path.

  8. Pour a glass of wine or green juice -- your libation is totally your call -- to the Goddess and the God, and then take a sip.

  9. Dry yourself off; and when you're ready, clean up the bathroom and take the libation offering outside to return it to the Earth (or pour it into a pot plant if you're a modern, urban witch).

  10. The rite is ended. So Mote It Be!

Opening Circle


Visualize yourself entering a circle of witches.


The air is thick with the smoke of burning mugwort -- a cleansing herb used for smudging. There's a fire burning, with flames licking at broken tree branches, and around it, women are gathered.


Come join us.


Take a look around the circle, and let your eyes meet the eyes of the women that are gathered with you. You may recognize some of them... or you may not.


This may be from this lifetime, or they may not.


One sister is chanting the various names given to the Mother God:
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna' over and over from deep down in her womb.


It feels ancient and timeless.


You are home. 

  1. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Relax your hands, palms, face up, and be open to receive. As I call in each of the quarters, turn to face that direction: We'll be going clockwise.  

  2. First, I turn to the East, and the element of Air. I invite you to blow out the old and bring in the new. Help us to allow the winds of change and not resist them. Hail and welcome.

  3. Next, to the South, and the element of Fire. I invite you to burn away regrets, ignite a fire of passion and desire, and be the flame that ignites the light of others when plunged into darkness. Hail and welcome.

  4. Next to the West, and the element of Water. I invite you to cleanse us, quench our thirst, nourish us, allow us to explore the ebb and flow of our emotions, purify our thoughts. Hail and welcome.

  5. Finally, to the North, and the element of Earth. Hold us and support us as we grow strong roots so that we can rise. Hail and welcome.

  6. Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon, Grandfather Sun, Star Nations and the mysteries that lie in between -- be with us, support us and guide us in our circle.

  7. Ancestors, witches and wise women who've gone before us, please join us, sit with us and guide us in the circle.

  8. SHE, divine feminine, lady of all that is, I ask for your presence and your blessing. Please clear the space of any heavy energy; and fill it with love, healing and truth.

  9. SHE, I ask for your to work through me, to work through us, and to make sure we hear and feel what we need the most as we experience this circle, this book and our path together.

  10. So mote it be.


Regardless of where you are in the world, we are holding sacred and courageous space together. And FYI: the stronger the container, the stronger the magic.


Women have been doing this for thousands of years, gathering together, holding space -- keeping and holding mysteries and secrets beyond time and space, because this is what witches do.


Courageous and wild witch -- that's you, thank you for showing up, for being here and above all, for being you.

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