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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

Exorcism Spell: Imprisonment


This method of imprisonment not only expels the malevolent spirit from the body of its victim, but transfers it to an inanimate object where it will be trapped. First of all, you need to have as much information as possible about the spirit itself. What is its name? What is its purpose? Does it have any special powers? Is it related to one of the four elements more than the others? Use all the information to write an incantation (see "Exorcism Spell: Latin Prayer/Incantation") which will take advantage of the demon’s weaknesses in order to expel it.  In addition to this incantation, you will also need a sheet of paper on which to write the demon’s name (if the name is unknown, you can use a design or symbol to represent the demon). You will burn this paper during the ritual, using a dedicated candle for the purpose. You will also need an object to contain the demon – such as a small stone.


You will need:

  • A small stone for containment (black jasper or black obsidian)

  • Paper & pen

  • Candle

  • Sea salt


  1. The ritual is as follows: Recite the incantation you have written, setting fire to paper with the name or symbol.

  2. Drop the object that you have chosen as a ‘prison’ onto the embers of this paper to absorb the spirit.

  3. Pour the candle-wax on the prison-object to seal it. Once the spirit is trapped, you can destroy the imprisoning object in a symbolic way, for example throw it into a fire consecrated by the Gods, and sprinkle salt onto the flames to bless them.

Exorcism Spell: Latin Prayer/Incantation


The method of exorcism most useful against demons is to recite an incantation which is long and detailed, which is heavily charged with energy that comes not from the mind, but from the glory of the gods. This kind of exorcism is often used by religions such as Christianity, because you do not need to possess magical gifts to be able to use energy that comes from the gods. This method is a good one for two reasons. First, it uses a force so pure that when the demon leaves the body of the victim, it will already be so immersed in this energy that it will be annihilated. Secondly, you do not need to adapt the incantation according to the identity or strength of the evil spirit, since the power of the gods still exceed the power of the demon.


  1. Here is a prayer of exorcism which became particularly strong after being used in different variations for centuries against many demons. It is in Latin and is the root of the pagan rites of exorcism used by Christians.
    Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos,
    Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia.
    caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
    Humiliter majestati gloriae tuae supplicamus
    Ut ab omni infernalium spirituum potestate,
    Laqueo, and deceptione nequitia,
    Omnis fallaciae, libera nos, dominates.
    Exorcizamus you omnis immundus spiritus
    Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio,
    Infernalis adversarii, omnis legio,
    Omnis and congregatio secta diabolica.
    Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, dominates,
    Ut coven tuam secura tibi libertate servire facias,
    Te rogamus, audi nos!
    Ut inimicos sanctae circulae humiliare digneris,
    Te rogamus, audi nos!
    Terribilis Deus Sanctuario suo,
    Cernunnos ipse truderit virtutem plebi Suae,
    Aradia ipse fortitudinem plebi Suae. Benedictus Deus, Gloria Patri,
    Benedictus Dea, Matri gloria!


  2. The most obvious disadvantage of this method of exorcism is the magnitude of the incantation; this is not a short formula that is easy to learn by heart. Although each word will gradually weaken and enrage the demon, the exorcism will not be over until you have reached the end of the prayer.  However, the demon will immediately recognize this incantation from the very first words, and will do everything in their power in order to silence the person reciting the formula.  So if you want to use this form of exorcism, you must know the incantation by heart, and have a strong resolve to avoid being interrupted before pronouncing the last word.

Exorcism Spell: The Circle



This method is very suitable for covens that can quickly assemble several witches. Instead of relying on a formula or incantation which exploits the weaknesses of the evil spirit, exorcism in a circle draws in the raw magick power of several people put together. Usually, all that is needed is for the witches to stand in a circle around the possessed, holding each other’s hands and repeating an incantation ordering the release of the victim.  It is important to send positive, healing energy to the victim.  After a few minutes, most demons will crack under the pressure of the positive energy flowing into the middle of the circle, and will then be forced to leave.  All you need to do next is banish the spirit, unless it has already fled.

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