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" ye harm none, do what ye will..."

Magical Items For These Spells

Herbal Protection Satchel


This is a simple way of using herbs to protect you from any negative energies or entities that may be bothering you.


You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon anise or aniseed

  • 1 teaspoon dried cloves

  • 1 stick of cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns

  • 3 bay leaves

  • White cotton cloth large enough to hold all the herbs

  • White cord or yarn

  1. As you put all the ingredients together, you are going to charge and activate the herbs.

  2. Spread the cloth out in front of you, and place all the herbs in the center.

  3. Mix them together well, and then bring the four corners of the cloth together so that you can tie the cord around the cloth, making a little bag to hold the herbs in.

  4. Wrap the cord around the cloth three times with three knots.

  5. Charging the Herbal Protection Sachel Now  Cup the sachel in your hands. Close your eyes, and imagine a white light traveling through your body. Start at the top of your head, and see it traveling down your body to your torso and then your legs, relaxing each body part as the light travels through. This white light represents security and protection, so feel feelings of warmth and safety as the light fills your body.

  6. Once the white light reaches your feet, see it travel upwards, through your arms, and into the satchel you are holding. You are now activating the herbs and charging them to keep you and your environment safe and protected.

  7. It is recommended to create a new sachet every month, preferably during a new or waning moon.

Nine-Herb Home Protection Talisman


This is a herbal talisman which will keep your home safe, both physically and astrally. 


You will need:

  • A glass jar with a lid

  • Half a cup of salt

  • Garlic

  • Bay leaves

  • Dried basil

  • Dill seeds

  • Sage

  • Anise

  • Black peppercorns

  • Fennel

  • Cloves

  1. Gather enough to fill the jar – try to use roughly the same quantities of each herb.  

  2. When you have mixed everything in, put the lid on, and shake the jar nine times while saying: Salt and herbs, nine times nine. Guard well this home of mine.

  3. All of these nine herbs have powerfully protective properties, along with salt, which is an excellent cleanser. 

  4. Keep this jar in the center of your home to protect it from all who would do it or you harm.

Protection Against Harmful Spirits


If you find yourself being attacked or otherwise influenced by an otherworldly spirit or entity, you must seek protection.  This is a three-stage process to rid yourself of the unwanted beings and protect yourself.


You will need:

If you can, acquire one or more of the following gemstones:

  • Black Tourmaline

  • Agate

  • Bloodstone

  • Emerald

  • Labradorite

  • Black Onyx

  • Peridot

  • Palo Santo (or Sage)


  1. These are crystals that protect you from harmful spirits and psychic intrusion. Black Tourmaline may be the most effective, but any of them would work. If you can find orgonite containing one of these stones, that would be even more effective.

  2. The next step will be to surround yourself with a shield of protective light. This comes from within, and you can conjure it up yourself through meditation.

  3. Begin each day with sitting down in a quiet space for five minutes, visualizing a bright bubble of light around you, reaching about an arm’s length away from your body. Make it any color you feel comfortable with.

  4. Repeat the following words: I surround myself with a shield of protection. I am safe within my space. 

  5. Feel the light emanating from you, growing brighter with each deep breath. It is strong and controlled, vibrating at a high frequency.  No evil spirit can penetrate this force field.

  6. Ask your spirit guides, guardian angels and the God and Goddess to protect you.

  7. Cleansing
    You will then need to cleanse the space where you sense the negative intrusion.  If it follows you around, use these methods around your body. If you can, find some Palo Santo (available for a few dollars on Etsy or eBay) – it is a holy wood from the Amazon burned by Shamans to drive out evil spirits and unwanted energies. Otherwise you can use sage, sandalwood or frankincense. 

  8. Sprinkle sea salt around the area.  Say words like the following, over and over as you cleanse your space: Any unwanted spirits and entities, please leave now. Any evil or negative energies or presences, please leave this space. You don’t belong here.  I am sending you home. Go back whence you came. Please leave NOW. Only light and healing energy is allowed in this room. Thank you. Repeat these or similar words until you feel satisfied.




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