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Magick From Amazon

Moon Magick: Harnessing Power

Even with the technology we have today, when you glance up at the sky on a clear night and see our fine-looking moon shining there in all glory, you have to admit it's a pretty awesome sight. For thousands of years the moon has been seen as having a magickal presence, and even out ancestors believed that it had some spiritual significance. Although we now have a greater scientific understanding of the moon and its effect on Earth, most of the astronauts who have visited the moon have returned more in tune with their spiritual side and gone on to explore their religious or metaphysical beliefs in a deeper way.

Moon Phases & Magick


The following entry lists numerous spells that you can perform during different phases of the moon -- certain spells work better during particular phases. All the spells listed can be cast in a simple ritual: Take a small white candle to the window and gaze at the moon through the windowpane. Say your wish out loud and with feeling, then leave the candle to burn down and blow out (while you are still in the room, of course; do not leave the candle unattended or place it near a curtain).

The Full Moon

At one time it was thought that the moon and its phases interfered with our internal chemistry by exerting gravitational forces on our bodies, or that the moon's gravitational fields caused electrical particles to fall to Earth, interfering with the complex functions of our brains. Recent scientific studies have disproved these theories, as well as invalidating the long-held belief that crimes and mental instability (hence the word lunatic) increase during fill moons. For as long as I can remember I have always been weary of going out on a night of the full moon since I do believe that the full moon has a powerful influence over people, whether it be good or bad.

In any event, from a magickal point of view the full moon does not have any negative connotations; it is just considered a very powerful time of the month. For some reason, Fridays that fall on full moons are wonderful days for casting love spells. If you try casting love spells during any other moon phase, it doesn't mean that they will not work, but the results could take much longer. There are lots of other spells that benefit from being cast on a full moon too, and these are listed below:

  • Protecting property and home

  • Adding vigor to your life

  • Anything to do with love

  • Increasing self-confidence

  • Advancing in career and work

  • Enhancing psychic ability/clairvoyance

  • Strengthening friendships and family bonds

  • Performing general good-luck spells

The Waxing Moon

When the moon is waxing, witches like to cast spells for improving situations or for getting things going if things have been in a rut for a while. Often, when life is unchanging, it takes a little boost to amp things up a bit, and this phase is definitely the best time to kick-start your life. The following spells act faster during a waxing moon:

  • Moving forward from depression

  • Getting out of a rut

  • Passing examinations and tests

  • Finding lost objects

  • Healing a sick animal or finding a lost pet

  • Nurturing abundant, healthy gardens and the well-being of nature

  • Losing weight or stopping smoking

The Waning Moon

We all get into trouble at some point in our lives or face circumstances that are beyond our control. The waning moon is the perfect time to cast spells for getting rid of the black clouds and negative energies that sometimes hang over us. It is time when you can draw down strength from the universe. If you are surrounded by difficult people and feel you can't cope, or if you have to tackle difficult situations head on, you can use the moon's power to assist you. By casting spells during this phase, you will gain the power to take control again, strengthen your weak areas, and become more assertive in your actions. Cast spells at this time for:

  • Developing inner strength and assertiveness

  • Banishing enemies

  • Stopping arguments

  • Soothing unruly children

  • Calming anxiety

  • Getting out of tricky situations

The New Moon

This is my favorite lunar time, and it is appropriate for almost any spell. The new moon phase surrounds us with lots of positive energy and can act as a catalyst for immediate change. Many transitions naturally happen around a new moon anyway, such as new jobs, births, and moves, but if you need to revolutionize your life, cast spells at this time for:

  • Career changes

  • Moving housing swiftly and easily

  • Safe and enjoyable travel

  • Increasing your cash flow

  • Better health

  • Conceiving

The Dark or Void Moon

The dark moon, when the face of the moon is hidden, is also known as the "dead" moon. It takes place precisely three days before a new moon and is considered to be the most magickal and potent of all the phases. Sadly, many people who practice black magick do so at this time. You might think that someone working on the darker side of the occult could not influence any spells or rituals that you might be performing, but the collective power mustered by these individuals can cause cosmic havoc: our spells may become confused or simply not work at all. It is a shame, because the brilliance and power of this phase really is incredible, and without the negative manipulation I am sure we witches could do a great deal of good in it. That said, I often tell people that unless they are experienced wand wavers, it is probably best not to attempt any rituals at this time, but to wait until the new moon comes in. Speaking for myself, I never cast spells during the dark moon phase; I just hang up my cauldron for a few days.


Women & the Moon

The Moon was worshiped in many early religions as a goddess, and it has always been seen as a feminine symbol. On average, our big, beautiful moon orbits at a distance of approximately 238,855 miles from Earth and takes around 28 days to complete its orbit -- interestingly, the same as the average amount of time between female menstrual cycles.


Moons & Moods

If you get interested in studying the moon's patterns, you may find that your demeanor changes depending on what the moon is doing. I experimented with this once for a few months, keeping a note in my Book of Shadows about how I felt with each passing phase. It was fascinating to find that during the dark of the moon I was a bit irritable and absentminded, but once that phase had passed I cheered up and began to feel more grounded. Certain situations can naturally occur during certain phases, too. For example, the handyman came to repair my leaking rood on the first day of a new moon, so I instinctively knew that he would do a good job -- and he did!

Another example would be people that are water signs. I'm a cancer and my mood is turbulent and ever changing like the sea. I can feel very confident and powerful during a full moon phase but doubtful and insecure during the waning moon phase.

Animals may also be affected by the full moon phase and can become a bit more rambunctious, so if you're a witch with felines, keep catnip at hand.

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