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Magick From Amazon

Sun Spell for Summer Solstice - Wealth, Power & Love

Summer Solstice is the moment when the sun stands still and listens - and a perfect moment for a special spell. Now in all magical workings from the dawn of time, the Sun has had a special place as the single most powerful physical existence in our lives. Sun magic, one might say, is therefore the most powerful form of magic if you want to make changes in the material world. Which is why Hitler adopted the Sun rune (aka the swastika) as the symbol for his party ... and material changes they made ...

Please Note: You can do this spell at any time the sun is shining, all year round!

Since then, the Sun rune has fallen into disuse among magicians; this is of course a lamentable state of affairs but there we have it.

Luckily, we have an even older alternative which is the magic spiral, much used by indigenous people from all traditions, all cultures and nobody as far as I know has so far marched to war under a spiral banner ... and if they ever did, they won't be troubling us now.

But I digress.

Fact is that this year, the moment the sun stands still to listen to our requests for sun power connections happens to be in the late afternoon, at least for the Europeans. Which means that if we can see the sun, we can make a special ritual that focuses intention on that one moment in time; we can launch a spell there with a bang.

So what kind of spell would you like to do?

Here are some ideas.

Of course, the sun has been the focus of material and worldly power. So if you wish to be a leader, gain followers, more customers, more respect or power in your community, get elected to some kind of office, or simply increase your reality creating powers, that's definitely in keeping with sun magic.

Then there's money. Gold, to be precise. Sun and gold are often magically interchanged, as are other prosperity metaphors such as ripe golden corn, golden fruit, gold animals. So for a hardcore money ritual, the exact moment of the Summer Solstice is the best launch pad you could wish for.

Finally, and this is particularly interesting, the Sun has also been associated with the soul, the shining immortal center of self that powers all our endeavours, worldly or otherwise. The soul is also the center of the psychic circuitry and thereby responsible for one's magic power. So if you would like to do something to activate your soul in your life more, feed your soul, celebrate your soul or get closer to your soul, this is the perfect time to do that also.

"Wait a minute!" I hear you cry. "You want me to choose between worldly power, money, magic, love and immortality? I want all of those!"

Right, my magical friend, quite right you are and you should, at that.

You should want all three because all three need to develop and grow in harmony, or else all sorts of major craziness and magic madness will ensue.

So that brings us to the the 3 Suns magic spell or ritual.


3 Suns Solstice Spell

That's quite simple - as all good spells are, of course - and you can do this in the Hard or in Sanctuary, I leave that up to you.

The first thing we need is a small fire.

Fire is "of the Sun" - it is the human ability to light the night, to bring light to darkness, a reflection of the sun, and whenever you light a magic fire, even a candle, you are evoking the Sun power, whether you know this or not.

So we'll light a fire.

Now we'll have three circles with the spiral painted or drawn on it to represent the Sun in its three meanings - power, wealth and love.

Don't discriminate against any of them or hold any of them more dear than any of the others; of course they all need to work together, be as one for any one of them to be what you hope it to become.

When you make these three discs - from paper, card, round slices of a tree branch, whatever you choose to use - focus on one of the three aspects of the power/wealth/love trinity at a time and allow yourself to really want *that* with all your heart. Draw the spiral on your disc.

When you have all three, switch them around until you no longer know which one is which - or witch one is witch! - and then you're ready to wait for the moment.

As the time approaches for the moment when the Sun stands still to listen, and you are by your fire, pay attention to the Sun.

*If you are somewhere where the sun is not in the sky at this time, tune into the sun. You can feel where it is even when you can't see it, even through the Earth if it is on the other side. It's actually awesome the way that works and a wonderful thing in and of itself.

For effect, I would use an accelerant on the discs, some essential oils as an extra offering to the Sun which sent its power to grow the plants from which they came, Lemon, Lotus and Elemi or such and at the moment of the Solstice, throw the three discs into the fire where they will transmute, unite and become one and the same.

I personally would follow that with a moment of connecting with the sun, with the fire, as a human being with the forces of the Universe and our acts that create ritual reflections of these forces to be a part of all of that, a friend and lover to the Sun, to the fire, and to the existence here and now.

This is a powerful spell/ritual and actually very easy to do; if you know how to EMO and have a sense of that, you can get a fabulous energized end state which is an event of evolution - what each energy magician truly seeks each time they perform any ritual or spell.

Ok! So that's the Three Suns Spell which I will be doing for this year's Summer Solstice.

I trust you found some inspiration for a Solstice Spell or Ritual of your own; don't let the magic moment pass you by and do *something* that feels good and right to you.

Happy Solstice to you!

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