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Magick From Amazon

Phases of the Moon

One complete cycle of the moon takes exactly 28 days to complete, the same average time for a woman's menstrual cycle. This is no accident. A woman's body is something of a mirror of the moon and her ways. In many ways the difference between the sun and the moon are very similar to the differences between men and women.

The different personalities the moon presents throughout her cycle have perhaps the most profound affect on ritual workings than any other Time Correspondence. In order to coordinate your ritual workings with the cycles of the moon, you can follow the generalized guidelines below or the more advanced guidelines.

***Note that the more Time Correspondences you add to your ritual workings, the less you will need to rely on the more advanced system of the lunar cycle. And, in fact, sometimes you will be unable to use the more advanced system especially if you try to incorporate either the Lunar Zodiacal Calendar or the system of the Days of the Week. In all, familiarize yourself with all systems, but use what works best for you.


The Waxing Moon

Magick for increases that mirror the increasing size of the moon including: healings, prosperity, attraction, success, gains, love, increases, friendship, protection and any other positive magicks. The horns on the crescent you see in the sky during the waxing phase of the moon are facing to your left.


The Full Moon

For the rituals that require the most potent and powerful magick, the fullest phase of the moon is most appropriate. Though there is some controversy over what kind of magick is most appropriate during the full moon (see below for details), protection and any other dire situation in which a great deal of energy is needed in order to attain ritual success are universally accepted as appropriate at this time. The full moon is the point when the moon reflects all light from the sun back to the earth. It is the most potent time of the lunar cycle.


The Waning Moon

Magick for decreases that mirror the decreasing size of the moon including: banishings, exorcisms, cleansings, magick to rid yourself of a bad habit, any type of ritual to rid yourself of negativity whether it is from human or spirit sources. The horns on the crescent you see in the sky during the waning phase of the moon are facing to your right.


The Black Moon

This particular phase of the moon carries some controversy. Some practitioners insist that no magick be performed on this night, however, next to the full moon, the black moon is the second most potent time of the lunar cycle. Either highly difficult banishings that have been resistant to rituals performed on other nights of the waning moon can be abolished during this night when the moon is at it's blackest in the sky. However, take care to perform these banishing before the moon is at it's darkest point otherwise the moon will no longer be the Black Moon, but the New Moon which is associated with beginnings rather than endings.

For more complex and advanced guidelines, you can follow the guidelines presented below.


The New Moon

The new phase of the moon begins when the moon is hidden from sight due to the earth's position between the sun and the moon. No sunlight is reflected back down to us from the moon's surface. This phase is sometimes mistaken for the Black Moon, which directly precedes it. The New Moon and all it's accompanying characteristics can be relevant from three days after the darkest point of the moon. Experiment to determine how best this system works for you.During this time, the following types of ritual/spell work are most appropriate:

  • As the newest and earliest point in a new moon cycle, the new moon is seen by most practitioners as the most appropriate time to begin new projects, new spells and any rituals that require many days to complete.


The Waxing Crescent Moon

Magick performed on the waxing crescent moon is very similar to the waxing gibbous moon (they are both in the waxing or increase phase) and indeed you don't have to pay attention to the distinction between them if you choose not to, but you should be aware that the closer the moon comes to being full, the more powerful it's increasing potency becomes. This can be useful to know because sometimes we all have the luxury to wait a few days until after the half gibbous moon has passed into the more powerful phase, the waxing gibbous phase. With rituals that require less lunar potency or are the first in a line of several consecutive rituals that lead up to the full moon, you can confidently use this phase of the moon. For example, a healing performed to ease a cold or mild chronic illness can easily be started during the waxing crescent phase of the moon. However, a more serious illness would be better served during the waxing gibbous phase.

Ideally, with some minor examples, nearly all magick would be best divided out between the full or new moon, but this is such a short period of time each month, that we delegate certain phases to certain less important tasks. However, remember two things. For very serious illnesses the full (for healing the illness) or black (for banishing the illness) moons are the best choices, but they are not always necessary for more minor problems. Also the time does come sometimes when we have no choice but to do ritual work during incompatible times. In emergency cases, don't let bad timing stop you. Use other Nature Correspondences or the other types of magick (Mental or Spiritual Magick) to offset your lack of timing.


The Waxing Half Moon

This unique time of the month allows for all forms of positive magick that can otherwise be performed on the waxing phase of the moon, however, the waxing half moon is special in that you can perform magick during this time if you are engaged in a situation that is teetering on the edge of two resolutions and you want the result to turn out in your favor or in some positive fashion. For example if you wanted to do a spell for the success of a surgery in which the doctor predicts the patient has a 50-50 chance of survival, you could do the spell on the half waxing moon to ensure that the situation will have a favorable outcome.


The Waxing Gibbous Moon

Similar to the waxing crescent phase, you can perform all actions compatible with increase during this time period. However, magick that requires more lunar energy than the waxing crescent can provide should if possible be delayed until this time period because of it's closer proximity to the full moon. Of course minor magickal workings can also be performed during this time as well, but the added energy here may not be absolutely necessary.


The Full Moon

The moon in it's fullest phase reflects all the light sent to it by the sun. The earth is completely out of the path between these two bodies and the energy of the moon is at it's most potent. The full moon is the most potent time of the entire month and the time when many traditions of witchcraft hold their esbats, or ritual gatherings or celebrations.

Since there is so much controversy over what actually begins and ends the cycle of the moon, there is some discrepancy over what kind of magick is best performed during this time. Technically, the full moon is the middle of the moon's cycle when the positive aspects of the moon's influence are at their peak, however many practitioners view the full moon as an downslope rather than a peak and thus either of the two types of magick below may be performed a full three days before the full moon depending on your personal preference. Many people prefer to only perform full moon rituals on the day of the full moon, but as with all other things in magick, feel free to experiment. What works for one person may not work for you and vice versa.

  • Positive magick of any kind including completions of spells begun during the new moon or any other positive spell that requires massive lunar energy to propel a ritual intention into being. Fortunately not all spells require this much energy and some magicians consider performing trivial workings during this time as "overkill". However, you will have to decide for yourself how serious a working is to you to decide whether it warrants waiting until the full moon. Experience is the best teacher here.

  • Negative magick as in banishings, exorcisms, cleansings or bindings. Protective magick while not necessarily negative is extremely effective when performed on the full moon.


The Waning Gibbous Moon

The relationship between the waning gibbous and waning crescent phases of the moon are opposite to those of the waxing phase because as the moon approaches the darkest point, it's decreasing potency grows. Thus as it moves from waning gibbous to half waning to waning crescent, it becomes more powerful in decreasing energies. So for minor decreasing and banishing rituals, the waning gibbous moon is more appropriate because not as much lunar decreasing energy is required to be successful. However for more serious decreases and banishings, the waning crescent moon is most appropriate because of it's closer proximity to the black moon (the greatest point of decrease).


The Waning Half Moon

This is another unique time of the month which allows for all forms of banishing or decreasing magick that can otherwise be performed on the waning phase of the moon. However, the waning half moon is special in that you can perform magick during this time if you are engaged in a situation that is teetering on the edge of two resolutions and you want the result to turn out in your favor or in some decreasing fashion. For example if you wanted to do a spell to keep yourself from being audited (in essence decreasing the problem) and you thought that you have about a 50-50 chance of this happening, then you could do the spell on the half waning moon to ensure that the threat of an audit will diminish and eventually disappear.


The Waning Crescent Moon

Rituals that require more energy for banishment though not necessarily the raw power of the black moon are best performed during this time as the waning crescent phase of the moon is close enough to the black moon that it carries a good portion of its lunar decreasing energy with it.


The Black Moon

The Black moon, also called the Dark Moon and the Lost Moon, is the point when the moon is at it's darkest in the sky. It is the end of the moon cycle when the absence of light in the sky reflects a void. Therefore by this theory, the black moon is the most appropriate time to perform banishings, cleansings, exorcisms and other rejectionary forms of magick. Do your own experimentation to determine which system (or both) is right for you.

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